For anyone in Singapore looking for various ways to connect to work, family and friends, school, and the world from home, listed down are the advantages of subscribing to home broadband plans in Singapore. Before diving into the advantages, you should not miss the main home broadband plans in Singapore.


Paying the Fees is for your family’s Common Good

Aside from paying for your monthly subscription to a home broadband plan here in Singapore, you should prepare your budget in dealing with the NLT service activation fee and termination point installation fee. For NLT Service Activation Fee, you should prepare around $60.00 for the fiber port activation. If you are a new subscriber, you need to pay for this to push through with the home broadband plan installation. If you move to a new place, you need to pay for the NLT Service Activation Fee again. The second one, called Termination Point Installation Fee, should be an additional fee to pay for those who are likely to move to a new place. You should prepare $160 to $290 for pushing through with the application.

Know your Contract Well

Home broadband plans in Singapore come with an agreement. So far, home broadband plans in Singapore also offer an open timeline wherein you can terminate the subscription whenever you like. Like any other internet and telecommunication company, you can freely choose contracts from any home broadband plan in Singapore. Contract Duration

No-contract12-month contract24-month contract

You get to choose what’s best for you. If you see something working best for you, go for it.

Don’t Overlook the Most Important Feature: The Maximum Speed

What’s a brand name if it can’t fight and prove for what it stands for? Maximum Speed, of course, is a necessary aspect of looking for the best home broadband plans in Singapore. Maximum Speeds available for home broadband plans in Singapore:

300 Mbp500 Mbp1 Gbps2 Gbps

Lookout before you realize a provider offers 2 Gbps when you only receive a 300 Mbp connection! Stay vigilant, and research your home broadband plan in Singapore very well.

What does the additional fee say about the company?

Are the additional fees regarding home broadband plans in Singapore too much? Regardless of the internet provider, you should ensure that the extra costs are not untrustworthy in any manner. Some companies would offer additional services that you would consider redundant for your subscription. The best thing to do is evaluate the service you want to subscribe to and compare home broadband plans in Singapore that are available and necessary for your choice. Only then would you find how incredible your home broadband experience would be when you can subscribe with an honest and fair provider. Are you ready to subscribe to a home broadband plan in Singapore? These are just a few yet incredibly important tips to get you started about work and play. Only six companies mentioned in this list can get you to have an amazing experience, but be careful in choosing only the best. Let the home broadband subscribing game begin!


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