Bumping is an accidental collision with something or someone. You might have bumped into your crush once, I am sure. But Bump on Zenly means something more personal. It is not just a cool feature; it is powerful as a free self-protection tool. Want to know how? Scroll! You don’t have to text your boo or friend ‘where are you?’ now. If you guys are friends on Zenly, you know where they are going and who they are meeting with unless they have turned off their location on Zenly. Also, if you are alone on the street or lost your way back home, Bump on Zenly is the alarm, trust me. Have a look here at how to Bump on Zenly.

How to Bump on Zenly?

Bumping on Zenly is easy peasy. If you are new to a place or meet a friend after a long time, be friends on Zenly. No hustles of usernames here when you are together- Bump on Zenly! Here is how to bump on Zenly- That’s it. You are friends on Zenly now. If you are already friends on Zenly and this is a meet, up- Still bump on Zenly. Because bumping will let your other friends know that you are together somewhere, hurry them now! Also, read How to Buy Snapchat Pixy Drone in 2022 | Snapchat Launched Pixy Drone to Fly High Now!

What is Self Bump on Zenly?

Have you heard about self Bump on Zenly? Here is the feature I found really cool with Zenly. You might be thinking, why should I self bump on Zenly. Some even thought self-bumping is for introverts with no friends. Guys, this is not something you would do when alone, It is a feature on Zenly, and it is incredible. When you self Bump on Zenly, you share your location with other friends on Zenly. They are getting notified of your site precisely. If you are with someone they know, it can also be viewed on Zenly. If you are in trouble, self bump on Zenly from now on. You might have friends or family near you; let them know where you are, and you are on yourself. Self-bump on Zenly can be a game-changer in many situations. Watch this short video on bullying and how self-bumping on Zenly might work in a case like that.

What is Zenly | How Does It Work?

Zenly is a live location mapping system. Kudos to the founders for thinking about the possibility of a networking application with a user’s GPS. Zenly was founded in 2011, and it is trending more than ever in 2022 in the US. Snapchat had foreseen the future of Zenly and bought the application in 2017 for around $300 million. But Snapchat never interfered with the Zenly system. They let Zenly run on its own like Facebook allows Instagram after buy out. Also, read How to Use Snapchat Dress Up | New AR Feature to Try Fashion Trends! Zenly access your location from the moment you install it. It demands running in the background all time to provide the most authentic experience. The surprising fact is that it doesn’t drain your battery by running in the background. When you are friends on Zenly, you can instantly access three pieces of information about them.

  1. Where are they?
  2. Who are they with?
  3. What is their battery percentage? Yes, that’s right. You can see your friend’s phone’s battery percentage with Zenly. What is their excuse for not taking your call now? If your friends are in your surroundings, you can even know how long they will take to reach out to you. Zenly uses the phone’s accelerometer to find out the distance between you two. A feature called ‘Footprints’ gives you a glimpse of all the places you have been together before. It helps to locate the unexplored areas for the next voyage. Also, read How to Use WhatsApp Emoji Reaction | WhatsApp to Roll Out Emoji Reaction in 2022

How to Fake a Zenly Location?

Zenly is fun until you don’t want someone to know where you are. Turning off Zenly won’t solve issues with you, boo, right? But you really want to go on that weekend trip with friends. Then what we do is Fake it! You know, we say fake it till you make it. You can either freeze your location on Zenly or blur it. Freezing will put your profile on your last location until you turn it off. Blurring your Zenly location is hiding your exact location. Zenly will only provide a wider location of yours on the map. You don’t have to do it for everyone. You can choose people you want to hide from. Here is how to fake Zenly location–

  1. Go To ‘Profile.’
  2. Tap on the ‘Ghost mode ‘above your user name.
  3. ‘Select people’ you want to hide from.
  4. Choose ‘Blurred/Frozen’ from the pop-up window.
  5. Tap on ‘Select all’ to hide your location from all your friends. Also, read YouTube Go Shutdowns Out of the Blue | What Google is Planning Behind It?

Wrapping Up

There will be good and bad ideas in any application. It may appear odd to share your location with everyone. When you can communicate your location in a lost circumstance, the same fear becomes a benefit. Zenly enables people to connect more quickly. Bumping on Zenly is a fun feature for making new friends. I’ve shown you how to bump on Zenly and how to fake your location on Zenly in this article. Please share it with any friends who might find it beneficial. Until then, take care.


How to Bump on Zenly in 2022   It is Not Just a Cool Feature - 98How to Bump on Zenly in 2022   It is Not Just a Cool Feature - 72How to Bump on Zenly in 2022   It is Not Just a Cool Feature - 34How to Bump on Zenly in 2022   It is Not Just a Cool Feature - 50How to Bump on Zenly in 2022   It is Not Just a Cool Feature - 66