Driving for a long journey and listening to podcasts. Is this your jam? Everyone loves a little music during traveling, but a little podcast does no harm. If you want to start a podcast and still thinking about selecting a topic, then you are at the right place. With a tiny bit of experience of podcasts as an audience, I have a few inputs that might help in selecting a niche.  There are a few things that you must keep in mind while choosing a niche for podcasts. Choose/select a topic that you enjoy and are comfortable talking about. To seek success, choose a topic on which people are looking for information. The last thing to remember is to select a podcast topic that has a sizable audience.  Before getting into the details of how to select a niche, you must be sure why you want to start a podcast and how to start a podcast. Read further to find out all the things you need to know about podcasts. 

Why Start a Podcast?

Your motive behind starting a podcast plays a very important role. Before choosing a niche you must know why you want to start a podcast. There can primarily two reasons. First, you want to put your voice out there and let your passion drive you thoroughly. Second, you want to get into something that will provide you growth with smart marketing skills.  Regardless of the reason, one thing that remains the same in both the motives, is your skill of engaging people with your words and knowledge. More and more people are creating podcasts and growing successfully.  Passion and a smart approach are the key elements that will take you towards growth. If you are passionate about the topic you are talking about, you will definitely find a way to reach the right audience. If you are eager about podcasting, you will not step back from investing your time and money (especially in the beginning). Trust me when I say that all your invested time and money will be worth it after some time.  This is why you must be clear, why you want to start a Podcast. Just always remember, start a Podcast if you love it and the money will automatically follow.  Also, read How To Start A Podcast On Spotify in 2021

Selecting Podcast Niche/Topics: Step-by-Step Process

Usually, people don’t give enough time to this step. Jumping to the first topic that comes to your mind is not the way to select the Niche for your Podcast. This step requires brainstorming and proper research. You don’t want to end up with a topic that is alien to you or your listeners.  But then where to begin? Don’t worry and sit back because I have answers to all your questions. Let’s get to all the points one by one.  The first and the initial step is to list down all the topics or niches that you think you can work on. Make sure that you have a big list of ideas and your area of interest. While making the list, you will find it difficult to get even 5 topics.  For your convenience, you must ask yourself a few questions. These questions will help you get to some topics that might interest you. 

What topic am I passionate about?What do I do in my free time? What do I enjoy the most?What topics intrigues you the most?What topics do I have a lot of fun talking about?

These questions might seem absurd right now, but trust me they will help you find the right and correct niche for your Podcasts.  Once your answer all the questions, you will probably have so many topics in mind. However, if you still end up having just two or three topics, talk to your friends and family. They will be of great help. Talking and asking the people who are close to you might give you some ideas that wouldn’t have thought of yourself.  However, if you are a pros/cons list maker, then it is time for you to shine. With the pros and cons list of the Podcast niche, you will look up to many different parameters. You can also go with a scoring method. “The nerd in me has glitter eyes”  Also check out How To Start Podcasts On iTunes in 2021? The other factor to keep in mind is the “money”. If you plan to monetize your podcast in the future, then you might want to keep some other things in mind as well. This will make the selecting of a niche for your Podcast a little difficult but in the end, it will all worth it. So, you might want to consider some points like:

Marketability of the topicPossibility of creating product informationOpportunities for affiliate marketingApproaching the intended audience

One last thing that I want to put in is that no matter how innovative processes you follow, the best idea will only come from you. Your gut feeling must be kept above all the formats and processes. 

Who is the Targeted Audience of your Podcast?

Now that you know why you want to start a podcast and the niche for your Podcast. It is time to know whom you want to start the Podcast. Having the idea of the right audience will make it easier for you to create relatable content.  Connecting with the audience is one of the most important things that every podcaster aims for. When people talk about podcasts, the first thing that strikes their mind is that it will something spiritual, technical, or funny.  The audience will only listen to something that they relate to or connect with at a personal level. In order to relate to the right audience, you must have a specific niche for your podcast.  A particular niche will help you streamline your content. Even the audience will know exactly what they are getting into. There is no doubt that the audience will only listen to something that they find relatable and connecting.  Being true to your audience is the primary factor for being a successful podcaster. This might seem easier today but in the longer run, it can become a little difficult. You will have to be consistent in order to build a connection with the audience.  Once the listeners subscribe to your podcast, you are bind in an agreement with them. It becomes your responsibility to come up with better content every time. Before anything else, you will have to determine who are your listener? Once you get the answer to this question, the rest of the podcasting process will be easier.  This process is called audience profiling. This might seem a mere formality but it is the most important step in becoming a successful podcaster.  Also, read Listen to the best podcasts of 2020

Best Niche for your Podcasts


Politics is a topic that is always in the talk. If Politics interests you and you want to share your opinion with people, then don’t think twice before choosing Politics as a niche for your podcast. 

Religion and Spirituality

This field needs adequate knowledge and research. Your take on religion will be heard by many people around the world. Use your skills to talk about something that will intrigue the listeners. 


Not much needs to be said about this topic. One can talk for music for hours and hours. This is one of the most popular podcasting topics. Listeners enjoy the music-related podcast. Add your inputs and opinions for some of the trending songs. 


Do you love books and literature? If yes, then spread your love with all the listeners. People love storytelling podcasts, book reviews, and everything literature. There are high chances that your podcast will grow gracefully in this niche.


Starting a Podcast is hard, very hard! These ways will help you find the desired niche for your Podcast. Look out for all these way and start your Podcast right away. Do let us know in the comment section below if this article helped you. Also, let us know if you start a podcast. We would love to hear you. Stay connected for more such content and have a great day!


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