Some liked the new features introduced by Instagram, and some did not like them. Although the features are being updated keeping in mind the platform’s content creators, they have also helped to improve the experience of the other users. Hence, if you are experiencing any glitch or problem in the sound of the Instagram stories, then please read our article below to get the best solution. You may also get some information about the recent problem with Instagram stories.

How to Turn on/off Sound on Instagram Stories

While watching your Instagram stories, you can turn off the sound of your mobile device. You can do that by clicking on the app’s sound icon or turning off your device’s sound. Hence, you can watch stories on Instagram without disturbing anyone around. Off late, users have noticed that Instagram refuses to go on silent mode. Hence, the sound of the stories remains to leave the users in an awkward position. Users are pissed off with this feature and have expressed anguish on social media platforms. They even threatened to quit the platform if the problem was not solved early. Also read, How to Fix Instagram Filters Not Working in 2022 (Solved)

Is Instagram Working on The Glitch?

It is unclear whether the app faces a bug or a technical glitch. Turning off the sound on Instagram may seem simple, but people experiencing this issue find it impossible to turn off the sound. Users have tried all the available fixes, like logging out, back in, uninstalling and reinstalling the app, and many more. But the glitch just does not seem to solve it. Hence, the Instagram team working in the backend has the responsibility to solve this problem. Although there has been no official statement from Instagram on this issue. Users believe their team of technical employees is working on the issue, and it will get resolved within a few hours. Also read, New Buzz: Instagram is Testing Monetization Feature Called ‘Gifts’

How to Turn on/off Sound on Instagram Stories

Wrapping Up

Now you know how to turn the ON/ OFF sound on Instagram Stories. It may seem impossible for some users as they face a technical glitch. But you have the alternative of switching off the sound of your mobile to solve the problem. I hope the solution helps and you do not face any more inconvenience. Visit our website for more information on hacks and tips on Instagram and other social media platforms.


How to Turn ON OFF Sound on Instagram Stories in 2022  Solved  - 43How to Turn ON OFF Sound on Instagram Stories in 2022  Solved  - 3How to Turn ON OFF Sound on Instagram Stories in 2022  Solved  - 33How to Turn ON OFF Sound on Instagram Stories in 2022  Solved  - 35How to Turn ON OFF Sound on Instagram Stories in 2022  Solved  - 58How to Turn ON OFF Sound on Instagram Stories in 2022  Solved  - 35