Tips for Making A Great PowerPoint Presentation It is no surprise that PowerPoint presentation has become one of the widely used visual aids in most business meetings and presentations. Good slideshows can inject interest more and simplify the topic in an attractive way. So, for getting the best results, follow the list below to avoid these common mistakes when making PowerPoint presentations.

Slideshows Transition And Change in Sound Effect

Both transition and effects of sound can attract the attention of the audience and, in turn, divert their focus from the topic. Besides, sometimes your presentation has multiple transitions and effects, which run slower on a computer than on the machine on which it was originally developed. This results in slow and sluggish presentation, sometimes appearing comical to view.  Accordingly, this hardly helps to support the information you are trying to provide. So it is better to leave the laser-guided texts, wipes, blinds, fade-in, fade-out, checkerboards, dissolves, cuts, splits, and covers. Even the builds, which are the lines of text that appear every time you click on the mouse, distract the live audience. 

Compose Original Slides

Do not simply copy and paste your slides from various sources available on the internet. Likewise, don’t copy and paste slides from different sources. Rather, use PowerPoint timeline templates to enhance the look of the PPT.

PowerPoint Timeline Templates

Templates are there to provide a scope to fit the original content into the pre-packaged mold appropriately. PowerPoint timeline templates contain different types of background and color combinations to attract the gaze of the live audience. Regardless, it can even be distracting if you choose a confusing background and make poor color combination choices. 

Heavy-text Slideshows

Typically, the slides are among the best mediums to represent an overview of a concept graphically to-the-point. However, it is not ideal for incorporating detailed information on the topic.  Details should be in your mind and overview on the slides. Therefore, we suggest you avoid typing paragraphs, sentences, or quotations. Slides must have a limitation of five text lines. In this way, your audience can easily understand and retain the key points. Never use the slides as the place to put notes on the speaker. Instead, put short and key points.

Fonts Size

Use a similar font size for all the headings and another for body copy. It is better to select a font size above 24 as smaller fonts are difficult to read, especially when the audience sits at the back. Try to clearly label every screen and larger font size or a different color to indicate their importance. Also, avoid using italicized fonts as they are hard to read faster. In addition, avoid long sentences, acronyms, and abbreviations.


When presenting verbally, the focus should be on interactive speaking and hearing. However, a bad presentation is most likely to focus on reading either by the speaker himself or the audience.  Indeed, the demand for written and spoken language differs. Spoken language is more direct, shorter, and less formal. Reading lines of texts usually ruins presentations. As a presenter, you aim to hold the attention of the audience until you complete your presentation delivery. If you are thinking of distributing handouts before you begin your presentation, the audience is most likely to go on reading the materials without listening to what you say! A PowerPoint presentation can be great if you could create suspense around the content to connect with the audience and engage them. 

Use of Bullet Points

Choose the 5 x 5 rule for making bullet points. This means that you must limit five words per line and five lines on every slide. Bullet points help give an overview of the subject more shortly.

Uncluttered Design

For retaining the attention of the audience and keep their focus on the key points, choose an uncluttered and clean design. Also, try to leave empty space around the graphical images and texts.


By pre-checking your PowerPoint presentation, we mean that you should check the colors on the projection screen. Do it before you start your actual projection. It is to avoid any inconvenience during the time of actual presentation. The projection of colors may be different from what you see on your monitor. Conclusion PowerPoint presentations are all about making a professional impact on the audience. For that, your slideshows should stand out of the lot. Now that you know what can help you make your presentation look more professional, customize PowerPoint timeline templates. 


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