This abbreviation is commonly found in the Facebook Marketplace. And hence, users are sometimes wondering what the acronym actually means. Hence, keeping that in mind I have designed the article to help you understand the abbreviation. As it is not only used on Facebook but also on other online platforms as well. Let’s understand what does OBO mean on Facebook. Let us know your feedback in the comments below.
What Does OBO mean on Facebook?
OBO is an abbreviation for “or best offer.” After that, the customer would bid for it with a lucrative price above the sale price. This takes place on the items which are on sale on Facebook Marketplace. Sometimes a seller posts an item for sale and lists the price as “$10 OBO,”. This indicates that he is ready to accept bids that are higher than the listed price. Also, read How To Fix Facebook Marketplace Messages Not Showing on Messenger
What Does OBO Mean?
OBO refers to or best offer as an abbreviation. According to North American English OBO refers to comparable offers which are used in small ads to show that something can be sold at a lower price than the already quoted one. Also, read How to Change Location on Facebook Marketplace: For Buyers & Sellers
What Does OBO Mean in Selling?
It refers to the highest bidder, who quotes a higher price than the original. The abbreviation refers to ‘or best offer’. It is mainly used in advertisements for possessions that people try to sell. They even express that they accept a lesser amount of money than the price they are asking. For example, a bike for sale at $40 OBO. Also, read What Does Pending Mean on Facebook Marketplace & How To Mark Pending
What is $500 OBO?
You may find the acronym $500 OBO at the end of the listed price in any online marketplace website like Facebook Marketplace or Craigslist. It is also used as Or Best Offer. For example, a post could read “A dress $500 or best offer.” This acronym is also written in either capital or lowercase letters. This majorly refers to the original price of $500 and the quoted price has to be higher than this. Also, read How to Sell on Facebook Marketplace: Ultimate Guide for Beginners
Does OBO Mean Higher or Lower?
Although the seller is searching for the highest suitable offer, the appearance of an OBO listing implies that they are willing to bargain on any terms. They are also open to selling for less than the asking amount if necessary. Mostly, a seller who advertises any item with the phrase “OBO” is eager to sell it at any minimum price they can. Also, read Facebook Marketplace Local Only: How to Set Facebook Marketplace to Local Only
Wrapping Up
So, this was all about What Does OBO Mean on Facebook. Now I hope you will not be surprised when you see the abbreviation online. Social media platforms are filled with abbreviations of similar types. Hence, if you wish to know about them in detail, please feel free to refer to our website, Path of EX, for more details.